American Craft Beer Week happens May 11 - 17 and we’re celebrating with Julia Herz, Craft Beer Program Director for the Brewers Association and the lead voice behind the week and U.S. craft breweries. Julia is a beer lover, homebrewer, and hey, she even has a starring role in the newly released film Beer! The Best Film Ever Brewed.

Brewseum Executive Director, Liz Garibay hosts a conversation with Julia where they’ll discuss the history of craft brewing as it has come of age - along with homebrewing - and where both are today. Beer style evolution and innovation promise to make cameos. So get ready, be thirsty, sip with us to help celebrate American Craft Beer Week, and BYOCB - Bring Your Own Craft Beer!

Be a part of the gathering via Zoom.


Julia Herz is a beer educator and voice for U.S. craft breweries.

Her areas of expertise include the state of beer in the U.S., craft brewer and marketplace trends, beer industry statistics, beer styles, beer pairings, the brewing process and its magical ingredients.

She is also the publisher of, the BA’s beer lover facing website. Follow her on Twitter @HerzMuses.